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Sleeping Over with 'B'

Posted by: Author: Age: 14 at the time Posted on: 2 comments
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When I was 13 or 14, I had been masturbating for probably three years-unfortunately, mainly on my own. The first highlight of my teenage masturbating adventures came unexpectedly. A good friend of mine at that time was a boy who was about six months younger than me (we'll call him 'B'). Over the years, I'd had a few friends stay over the weekend. I longed to 'get to know them better,' but I was always too shy to initiate anything. One weekend 'B' came to stay over. I remember on that Friday night that we talked a lot about girls. I was purposely trying to get the conversation around to sex-any sort of sex-but I really didn't know what I was doing. I just remember being horny and wondering what 'B' was feeling. Anyhow, nothing happened and we went to bed. After a short while, 'B' started making strange noises-like moaning or groaning. I said, 'What's the matter?' 'I feel like a pull,' he answered. 'Well, why don't you have one?' He just said that he couldn't be bothered. Without even thinking, I said, 'Well, come over here and I'll do it for you.' He replied, 'Can I do it to you, too?' I realised that this was what he wanted in the first place, so I just said, 'Yes...if you really want to.' He got out of bed, pulled his shorts off, and was into my bed within about five seconds! I rolled onto my side, facing him, and slid my hand down his bare stomach-going slowly just to tease him. I discovered his pubic hair, and from the feel of it he didn't have a lot. But then again, neither did I. I was just pleased that I probably had a bit more than he. That was important to a 13- or 14-year-old boy! By the time I felt his penis, it was hard and standing straight. I had no real expertise in this area, so I just started to rub him up and down as I would have done to myself. While I was doing it to him I could feel his hand going inside my PJs and finding my own erect penis. He didn't try to masturbate me; he just fondled me and rubbed my balls, etc. It didn't take him long to cum and, from memory, there was no sperm-but that was a long time ago. He simply put his hand on top of the hand I was using to indicate he had cum, and that it was time to slow down a bit! When I had finished, I just rolled onto my back and put my hands behind my neck. He released my penis from my PJs and started to rub it up and down in a rougher way than I would normally do it to myself. I kinda liked it and didn't object. He went faster and faster until I found myself cumming without the usual build up; it just sort of hit me, and I loved this new sensation. I can't remember if we talked about it the next morning or not, but we certainly got back into it again that night! I always locked the bedroom door when I had friends staying over and nobody ever tried to come into the room. So that second night (and every other night that we got the chance) we slept naked in the same bed. We just enjoyed the sensation of rubbing our cocks together and fondling each other. I wish that I could remember more details of those days, but it is enough to remember some of those special moments. Has it affected me? I doubt it. There is no doubt that it gave me the taste for masturbation and eventually experimenting with other boys. I thank them all for the experiences... Maybe I'll share more some day. We'll see what happens with this one...



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